On thursday we went to President´s house at like 10ish to do some stuff for him there. Afterwards everyone else in the office showed up and we had a big thanksgiving feast. Complete with turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, yams, stuffing, and endless bread (the Chilean touch). At the end, I don´t know how she did it but Hermana Bluth made a pumpkin pie with ingredients you can find here. Everything was amazing. It was such a blessing to be able have thanksgiving with President and his wife.
Right afterwards we loaded up the van and headed down to Temuco to fix some beds. By the time we left it was already pretty late so we slept in Angol and continued in the morning on to Temuco. On the way down we would blast the three Nat King Cole christmas songs I have to celebrate the beginning of the christmas season. Luckily, the weather was pretty grey and rainy and it was colder down south so it felt like it was christmas time.
The trip went really well and was really pretty but really exhausting. We got back later friday night and made root beer floats that we´ve been waiting all week to make. That´s basically everything. Thanks for all the pictures of snow and stuff. It never gets old.
Elder Thompson