Monday, May 5, 2014

Ghost busters

As missionaries we are asked to get rid of ghosts a lot. We will get a call from a member saying that their neighbor or a buddy has a ghost in their house and we have to bless it. Something that i have noticed is that the houses with "ghosts" are usually really messy. Or they are having family problems. Whether they actually have ghosts or not, it is interesting to see the effect cleanliness has on the good/bad energy in the house. That was just a thought I had this week.

It has rained pretty hard almost every day this week. I´m loving it. I just bought waterproof pants because the rain goes sideways. When we get home every night we have to make a fire and hang up all our stuff. Luckily, my backpack and my boots stay dry no matter what. 

This week we were planning and we realized that we are teaching like 5 families. And a lot of other people. It´s a good feeling.

For pday today we went to a waterfall that was used as a water purifying station or something like that. But it was covered in pipes and stairs and stuff so it looked pretty cool. I look a lot of pictures but the computer doesn't want to upload them so I’ll put them up next time.

I feel like I should have a lot more to say but we are going to skype in a week so it´s fine. The plan is to skpye at 6 my time. I can do it until like 7:30 so we will be able to do a three way skype for a while!

That's it for now. The church is true and missions are the best. Really hard, but the best.

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