Monday, September 23, 2013

from Mexico to the past

The flight from Mexico to Chile must have gotten struck by radioactive lighting or something because when I arrived, it felt like New York in the 20`s/30`s. You know that classic scene of a bunch of people with ripped up clothes huddling over a fire outside their house. That is what it`s like here in Lota. The air is filled with the strong smell of burning coal and fireworks( don’t know why) and most of the houses were probably temporarily built but then used for a hundred years. Before I go further, I don`t want this to sound negative or anything because after the initial culture adjustment (i`m not calling it culture shock) I really love it here. The strange thing is, most of the houses here don`t look like they should have electricity, let alone people living in it, but everybody, and let me repeat, everybody has a nice TV. I have not gone into a single house without a TV. And it is always on. I think I talked about that in my previous letter but turning on the TV is just as important as the lights in the house.

Alright, the moment you have all been waiting for: the food of Chile. Por lo menos my area.
Step one, you usually eat a soup or a salad or bread to start the meal and you eat it until you are completely stuffed (because that is how much they give you) afterwards they bring out a big plate that is literally layered with about an inch thick of mashed potatoes or rice stuff then on top of that they give you a big piece of meat. If I were asked what the hardest part of the mission has been so far, it would be finishing the lunches. I usually reach my limit after a couple bites of the second course then I just put food in my mouth and hope that I will eventually be able to swallow. And I have come so close to throwing up many times. Like to the point where I am fighting back the gag reflex. The food here is absolutely delicious but there is just way too much. Because the lunches are so big, we don’t really eat breakfast or dinner. Every once in a while I´ll eat something before bed but other than that, it´s just lunch. and a lot of it.

My Spanish has gotten so much better since I first got here. The first couple of days it was like 5% to 95% that I understand. but now it´s a good 50 50. I am even talking in lessons about 40% of the time. Which is way better than only "buenas" and "chow."

Man, you could seriously write a book with the experiences I have had already. I just wish I had more time to talk about it all. To my district at the CCM: I love you guys and I hope all of you are having as much fun as I am. Also, I loved hearing from you.

Family: Thanks for the prayers and the support. I can´t wait for the day that we can skype.

Shoot, out of time. Alright till next week. Also, my come is going home next week so I don´t know where ill be. Also also, I put more stuff up on dropbox.

Love you guys!


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